So we just went "private" and this blog will now serve as our new "updates" page that you can keep in your blogroll to see when we post something new. I'll post here and include a link to our blog each time to make it nice and easy. :)
If you didn't get an invite and would like one, just leave a comment here or email me at lori frost 1 {at} g mail. Sorry it's kinda weird... I just don't want spammers to pick up on it. :) See you at our new blog!!
Private blog
Haha you beat me to it : ) Can I still read your blog please?
Keep me on your blog please! :)
Yes! I still want to read your blog! (TC came up with that by the way. I think it is weird-lol.)
Yes I still want to read your blog!
The kids are adorable by the way this is Nina Jones... Make sure Allen knows that Chad and Paij are having a boy in January. Hope all is well:)
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